The North Downs Way 100

STORY BY Patrick 4th August 2017

One of the most challenging races in the British trail running calendar gets underway this weekend.

Competitors taking part in The North Downs Way 100 race will meet at Waverley Lane in Farnham in time for the 6am start of the 103 mile race this Saturday, 5th August 2017

The course, which involves 3,025 metres (9,330 feet) of vertical climb over its length, begins in Farnham at the Western end of the North Downs and works its way through some of the best of the English countryside before descending to the finish at the Julie Rose Stadium at Ashford in Kent.

En route the course travels through the small village of Puttenham before going on to Guildford. It then continues on to Ranmore Common before the steepest climb of the race up to the top of Box Hill. The trail then drops down the other side and back up to Reigate Hill, on through Merstham to Oxted and a further 8 miles to Knockholt Pound and the 50 mile point at the outermost edge of Greater London.

The course then travels on through Wrotham and Holly Hill before crossing the Medway Bridge. The final 25 miles see runners travel South East towards Dover running the majority on trails, paying brief visits to the villages of Detling, Hollingbourne, Harrietsham and Charing before dropping down into Ashford.

“80% of the course is on trail. Trail shoes are advised. There are sections of trail which can be slippery and very muddy in the wet. Please use due care and attention on steep downhill sections and particularly on the stairs at various points on the course,” a statement from the organisers advises.

Entrants are limited to 300 racers, most of whom applied for places back in October last year when the race opened for entries. Entrants must meet the minimum qualification standard which is to have completed in a minimum of a 50 mile distance race, within 15 hours, between 1st January 2014 and 31st July 2017.

In The North Downs Way 100 runners must finish within the 30 hour time limit. Finishers in under 24 hours will receive the much coveted ‘100 miles – One Day’ buckle signifying their achievement. Finishers between 24 and 30 hours will receive ‘100 mile Finisher’ buckles.

Male and Female winners will be awarded the Centurion Trophy.

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